Monday, May 14, 2012

Sex Ed

Maggie driving, both exhausted, silence...

(Bonnie yawns)

Maggie: Say something to keep me awake.

Bonnie: You say something to keep ME awake.

Maggie: But I'm driving! It should be you talking.

Bonnie: Maggie... if you're talking to me, you're gonna be awake either way.

Maggie: Oh yeah.

(Long pause)

Maggie: (excited) Guess what?! I learned what 69 means!

(Bonnie laughing so hard she makes no sound while attempting to get air....)

Maggie: (oblivious) I mean... I knew what it was, I just didn't know it was called a 69. But my friends demonstrated over dinner with spoons!

(Bonnie now falling over, face squished to window in fits of laughter)

Maggie: (still oblivious) I also learned what teabagging is!!

(Tears start rolling down Bonnie's face...)

Maggie: (continuing) That's sooo gross! Ulgh!

Bonnie: (regaining composure) So I take it you've never done that?

Maggie: No........ (pause) well..... teabagging anyway.....

The Belt Goes Moo

At work opening a large shipment of new leather belts.

Bonnie: Wow! Smell all the cow we got going on here!

Maggie: What?

Bonnie: Cow. You know... leather..... cows...

Maggie: Wait. Leather comes from COWS?!

Bonnie: Maggie.... you didn't know leather came from cows?

Maggie: No! I just thought it was a material.

Bonnie: It is a material.

Maggie: man made. Like cotton or silk.

Bonnie: Cotton and silk are not man made. They come from natural sources. Pleather is man made. Leather is from cows.

Maggie: No way! I didn't know that. (pause) So what comes from pigs?

Bonnie: Polyester.

Maggie: Really??

Bonnie: No.

Sound of the Wind

Driving along an open field...

Bonnie: Look at that large meadow! It makes me want to frolic in it!

Maggie: Like that movie? Gone With The Wind?

Bonnie: No, not like Gone With the Wind. It's like The Sound of Music.

Maggie: Oh yeah. Isn't it like the same thing??

Bonnie: Not at all. That's like a completely different place and era. And storyline.

Maggie: Oh. (pause) That's a really long movie.

Bonnie: Yes, it is.

Maggie: (pause) You know that Mary Poppins comes on every year on Thanksgiving.

Bonnie: What??

Maggie: Mary Poppins. It plays every Thanksgiving.

Bonnie: I heard you... but how does Mary Poppins have anything to do with the movies we were talking about?

Maggie: I was just sayin'!

(Bonnie looks strangely at Maggie)

Maggie: It's the same lady!!

Bonnie: Don't bring Julie Andrews into this...

Breast Friends

Maggie: You know... whenever I feel bad about the size of my boobs, I think of you and feel much better about myself.

Bonnie: Why, thank you. I'm glad my abnormally small chest gives you confidence.

Saturday, May 12, 2012

One size fits most

Making dessert...

Maggie: I only want one scoop of icecream.

Bonnie: Only one??

Maggie: Yeah....I want to fit in a bathing suit this summer.

Bonnie: You do know they come in different sizes, right?

Finger Flu

10 minutes after Maggie hurts her finger...

Maggie: Bonnie... I think my finger has a temperature. It's really hot.

Bonnie: It's called pain.

Butt Babies

On lunch break talking about birth control...

Maggie: Well.... if you don't use the pill, then what do you use??

Bonnie: If someone doesn't use a condom, you could do the pull out method..... or.... anal sex.

Maggie: You can still get pregnant!

Bonnie: This just gets better and better...

Maggie: Bonnie! You can get pregant in the butt!

Bonnie: Really? You think you can get pregnant through anal sex?

Maggie: Can't you??

Bonnie: Exactly how do you think this works?

Maggie: It all goes to the same place!

Bonnie: It needs to go through your reproduction organs.

Maggie: I know! But it's all connected.

Bonnie: Your butt is connected to your reproductive system?

Maggie: Isn't it?

Bonnie: Riddle me this. What is your colon attached to?

Maggie: I don't know.

Bonnie: Your colon is attached to your intestines from your stomach. Your vagina is attached to your reproductive system. There is no way sperm can enter a person's butt and get them pregnant. If that were true, I'd be a mother to the Brady Bunch right now.

Maggie: I am NOT doing that.